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Grievers Share for Awareness (Part 1)


It's been a hot minute since I've posted on the blog. Yesterday was National Grief Awareness Day. I wanted to do some grand thing, then life happened. Obviously, I’m late to the game. For those walking the path, days like this don’t mean much. It is every day. You live and breathe your grief. Awareness? I think I’m pretty aware. None the less, it is an opportunity to speak grief to more people.

When considering what to write about, I decided to hand over the mic. I can only speak to MY grief. This blog and my social media accounts are jam packed full of tidbits from my journey. Grief is different for each individual. We can relate in many ways, but at the end of the day our grief is our own. The following are not my words. A few fellow grievers graciously shared what they want people to know about THEIR grief. I am sharing two with you tonight and part two will follow tomorrow. ENJOY!

“Grief is an onion and all the layers of the onion as you peel them back are full of tears. Tears of joy and tears of great loss. It's like walking into a kitchen on an ordinary day and someone is dicing onions. One whiff of the onion is all I need and my eyes are an ocean of endless tears. Brian knew how much I disliked cutting onions because it made my eyes hurt and made me onion goggles. That makes me laugh now. Oh how Brian loved onions and I loved the goggles, but the goggles were not that helpful because cooking with onions also produces the aroma all over the walls of your kitchen as if it is a scratch-and-sniff paint and grief just like that, impacts every area of your life.

Grief has so many layers and so many tears. What people mistakenly believe is that grief is just one onion, but there are so many onions, so many grief triggers and so many so that I think it would be fine if there were no more onions in the world ever again, but it's a new day, a new onion. A few more onions. A few more tears. More layers to peel back. Memory flooding. Heart breaking. Questions raised. How many more layers? I just don’t know. The journey is my own. This is my walk with grief and the tears from the layers I am peeling are not wasted. They are healing me as they become me as the tears and the smell soak into me, bit by bit. I think the onion knows what it's doing. So hold the onion. Put on your goggles if necessary. Don’t be afraid to feel raw emotions, cry or laugh as you need to.”

Kimberly Ko

Follow her on Instagram:

“My grief doesn't define me..but it has changed me. I will never be the same person I was before. Ever. I miss her. Maybe one day she will return, but for now I must embrace the new me I have become.”

Jinny Ricci

Thank you ladies for contributing your thoughts,



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